The California legislature mandated a reduction in lighting energy use in the commercial and residential building sectors per Assembly Bill 1109, the California Lighting Efficiency and Toxics Reduction Act (AB 1109, Huffman, Chapter 534, Statutes of 2007). Per AB 1109, California must reduce its lighting energy use between 2007 and 2018 by 50% for residential interior lighting and by 25% for commercial interior and outdoor lighting.
Implementation of AB 1109, also referred to as the Huffman Bill, requires determination of California's 2007 lighting energy use baseline, using metrics that will facilitate the development of regulations and monitoring of progress for each of the three affected lighting sectors.
CLTC developed a report for the California Energy Commission to present and discuss the components of the Huffman Bill, the assumptions and methodology utilized to determine the 2007 lighting baseline, and the results of this analysis.
Principal Investigator: Michael Siminovitch