A number of lighting manufacturers now produce LED replacement lamps for traditional 60W incandescent lamps, and stakeholders at the state and national levels face decisions regarding quality standards for this product category. To assist these stakeholders and assess the current state of this segment of the lighting market, CLTC performed photometric and electrical tests on samples of 26 commercially available A19 and A21 omnidirectional LED replacement products. Testing was supported by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and the Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP).
Lab testing at CLTC measured power (W), voltage (V), luminous output (lumens), correlated color temperature (CCT), color rendering index (CRI), and rated life for the cross-section of products selected. CLTC researchers also evaluated the lamps for dimming and flicker, using new testing protocols developed and implemented at CLTC. Results were compared with manufacturers’ claims, ENERGY STAR Lamp Specification Version 1.0, and the Voluntary California Quality LED Lamp Specification.
CLTC determined that the average measured power of the replacement lamps was lower than manufacturers’ claims, luminous output was higher than claimed, and CRI was higher than manufacturers’ claims. The final report characterizes the cross-section of products tested and broadly indicates the state of this product category in 2013. Products are labeled A–Z for the purposes of the blind study.