CLTC & KAIST Establish Partnership to Advance Smart City Research

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The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) of UC Davis and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Smart City Research Center proudly announce a partnership in research efforts, following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Harnessing the combined expertise and resources of CLTC and KAIST Smart City Research Center, this alliance aims to accelerate joint research efforts towards energy efficiency and decarbonization in cities.

To inaugurate this partnership, CLTC hosted distinguished visiting professors from KAIST on January 23rd, 2024 for a research seminar covering several topics related to the understanding and development of smart cities. In Make Cities Smart, Resilient, Sustainable, Professor Youngchul Kim presented recent research undertakings within the KAIST Smart City Research Center and KAIST Urban Design Lab that use cutting-edge technologies and innovative methodologies to investigate urban spaces; in Decarbonizing Cities with Smart City Technologies in Korea: Prospects and Caveats, Professor Albert Tonghoon Han reviewed how smart city technologies are being implemented for climate change mitigation and decarbonization in Sejong City, South Korea; and in Pricing Climate-Related Financial Risks in Energy Infrastructure Assets, Professor Soh Young In discussed an integrated framework to assess climate-related financial risks and simulated it on three downstream energy assets: natural gas, coal, and solar photovoltaic power plants.

Through collaborative research initiatives and opportunities to exchange knowledge, CLTC and KAIST Smart City Research Center are driven to advance the transition towards smarter and more sustainable cities on a global scale.