CLTC research, demonstrations and case studies have shown adaptive corridor and stairwell lighting systems are a cost-effective strategy for achieving lighting energy savings of 40–50%. This is because many stairwells and corridors are illuminated continuously, despite low occupancy rates, and are usually equipped with standard, non-dimmable ballasts and operated with wall switches or from a panel box.
CLTC has partnered on projects implementing dimmable and demand-response (DR) capabilities in commercial, institutional, and government market sectors. Retrofits involve installing step-dimming or full-dimming ballasts, occupancy sensors and DR controls. When sensors detect that the corridor or stairwell is unoccupied, they trigger the luminaires to operate at a predetermined low-power level. Luminaires can also be set to reduce light output to a predetermined level in response to a DR signal.
Southern California Edison, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and San Diego Gas & Electric Co. have awarded CLTC funds to explore the potential to save energy and reduce peak demand in commercial corridor spaces. CLTC's industry partners have also collaborated on demonstrations of next-generation corridor lighting systems and the development of advanced control components and systems.
Principal Investigator: Michael Siminovitch