Energy Code Lighting Language Cleanup Initiative

Energy Code Lighting Language Cleanup Initiative

The California Lighting Technology Center, in collaboration with Southern California Edison, RMS Energy Consulting LLC, and the California Energy Alliance, are establishing a working group of industry stakeholders to help develop recommendations that will simplify and clarify the nonresidential lighting and lighting controls language contained in the 2022 Title 24, Part 6 Building Energy Efficiency Standards.

You're invited to participate as part of this new, industry-focused effort to simplify and clarify lighting-related Energy Code sections for the 2025 code cycle! The goal is to improve code comprehension and compliance in nonresidential lighting projects in California.

Please tell us more about yourself and your interest in this effort by participating in our 5-minute survey. A member of the CLTC team will contact you with follow up questions to identify which subcommittees would benefit most from your expertise.

Lighting code change recommendations based on your input may be part of the 2025 California Energy Code.

Project Type