CLTC, in partnership with Southern California Edison, completed a project portfolio from 2014-2018 to assess controls, lighting, and daylighting technologies and their potential for commercial applications. The projects have elements of market assessment, EM&V, and selected demonstrations.
The project focus is on evaluating the following technologies:
Automated Demand Response for Small Commercial Buildings
CLTC evaluated automated demand response (ADR) solutions for use with lighting in small commercial applications (less than 10,000 square feet). CLTC identified solutions for both retrofit and new construction applications and space types. Work included an examination of technologies capable of delivering ADR for lighting systems serving these spaces and estimation of potential savings. CLTC is currently evaluating dimming and other control strategies and system features enabled by ADR control systems. Following a thorough examination of the technologies and markets, CLTC demonstrated appropriate ADR solutions at a host site within SCE territory. The demonstration served to document costs and savings; and estimate statewide savings potential based on demonstration outcomes.
Advanced Daylight Harvesting Solutions
CLTC is evaluating advanced daylight harvesting strategies that include the use and control of dynamic fenestration along with electric lighting to increase building occupant comfort and energy savings. Efforts were focused on the use of dynamic fenestration technology, used in combination with traditional daylight harvesting controls, which is an energy-savings strategy not yet required by California Building Energy Efficiency Regulations (Title 24, Part 6).
Electrochromic glass, automated louvers, shades and other fenestration technologies were evaluated over the course of this project. Efforts were focused on deployment of appropriate technologies, communication and control hardware, control algorithms, and response scenarios for multiple commercial spaces and applications in a laboratory setting. Activities were conducted in collaboration with manufacturing partners so that emerging systems can more quickly and effectively transition to the commercial market.
CLTC developed and tested smart and ultra-smart luminaires, electrochromic windows and advanced shading systems with very promising results. The project focused on laboratory evaluations of these or similar devices to determine if the system’s approach is viable and ready for commercial adoption. The goal was to determine if the technology can deliver improved comfort, energy efficiency and peak demand reduction as compared to traditional daylighting harvesting systems.
The project's final report is available on the ETCC's website.
LED Track Lighting
Track lighting is popular among lighting designers for many retail and commercial applications. Traditional track light systems consist of a line or low voltage track, housing, and light source. The desired source in most applications is an incandescent or halogen reflector type lamp; although, some track lighting is done with a metal halide light source. With the emergence of LED’s, many products have targeted this application and attempted to duplicate the form factor of incandescent lamps and provide compatibility with existing system components. However, for energy-savings purposes, LED track heads can often be easily replaced with non-LED, high wattage products, negating savings.
Two alternate methods exist to remedy this practice. Dedicated LED track lighting can be installed to completely replace traditional track lighting systems or current limiting devices can be installed on traditional track, which reduces the total connected load allowed, and thus limits the sources to only high-efficacy solutions.
CLTC is currently evaluating dedicated LED track lighting systems, which do not allow for conversion to other source types. Additional evaluation includes the use of LED screw-base lamps for use with traditional track lighting, current limiting devices and phase-cut dimming controls. Work examines both line and low voltage solutions.
The project's final report is available on the ETCC website.
Principal Investigator: Konstantinos Papamichael