The California Energy Commission sponsors the development and demonstration of energy-efficient, environmentally safe building technologies. It does this, in part, through the State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations (SPEED), a program that demonstrates innovative lighting and HVAC technologies. The SPEED program is managed by the California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE), which is a branch of the University of California. The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) is subcontracted by CIEE to develop and implement lighting technology demonstrations. Read more about the SPEED Program.
Many of the energy-saving demonstration projects sponsored through the SPEED program have been implemented on University of California and California State University campuses, and in partnership with California Community Colleges and the California Department of General Services. Since its inception, the program has expanded to include new partners, such as California cities and municipalities, government agencies, state and federal military, and large commercial end users. The demonstration technology portfolio has also expanded to include products beyond those developed directly through Energy Commission sponsorship. Download the SPEED Technologies Overview.
Principal Investigator: Konstantinos Papamichael