Streetlighting Market Assessment & Survey

Streetlighting Market Assessment & Survey

CLTC and the Energy Efficiency Center at UC Davis partnered with Chevron Energy Solutions to map out California's current streetlight infrastructure. Researchers gathered data on 1.1 million streetlights from 212 cities throughout the state.

They found 74% of the survey respondents rated energy efficiency as a "high" or "very high" priority in their cities, with 29% reporting they had passed a climate action plan or similar sustainability initiative, yet 76% of the surveyed streetlights still use high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps, which consume twice as much electricity as LED or induction sources.

The survey also found that cities were more likely to have adopted newer, more efficient street lighting technologies if: they had demonstrated a clear commitment to climate action; they had a high proportion of city-owned, city-maintained streetlights (versus utility-owned); and they received financial incentives and/or logistical support in planning and carrying out retrofit projects.

The full findings are presented in a report entitled, "The State of Street Lighting in California, 2012." It includes information about streetlight ownership, resources and best practices for retrofitting.

Principal Investigator: Michael Siminovitch

Project Type