Load flexibility—also known as demand flexibility—has the potential to be a significant, clean, and cost-effective resource for maintaining a reliable power grid, particularly as renewable energy becomes more prominent in California's energy mix. The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) at UC Davis is conducting research to enhance load flexibility solutions for buildings, which are major contributors to the state's energy use and emissions. In particular, CLTC researchers are focused on advancing the development of affordable products and strategies that can effectively control and reduce building energy use, emissions, and operating costs for residential solutions.
To expedite the adoption of these solutions, CLTC has partnered with NEDO, Panasonic, Ynventive, and SMUD on a collaborative project called Virtual Home Energy Management Systems. Additionally, the California Energy Commission is providing technical guidance for the initiative. This collaboration is centered around the development and evaluation of emerging strategies in home networking, smart appliances, and customer acceptance, prioritizing solutions that homeowners can readily adopt.
To support this project, CLTC has constructed a modern residential area that serves as a practical environment for technology evaluation and demonstration. This dynamic space enables researchers to assess the effectiveness of various strategies as they are developed.