Educational Video: 2019 Lighting Controls Technologies & Requirements

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The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) at the University of California Davis collaborated with Southern California Edison, RMS Energy Consulting, LLC and the California Energy Commission to provide this educational video in support of the 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24).  California’s new Building Energy Efficiency Standards took effect on January 1, 2020.

Lighting controls and equipment installed in California nonresidential buildings must comply with the applicable requirements in the 2019 Energy Code.  Requirements apply to nonresidential, high rise residential, hotel and motel buildings.  This video discusses these general compliance requirements for lighting control devices and systems.


Manual area controls form the primary lighting control layer in any building. These controls can be an ON/OFF toggle switch, a slide dimmer with full off functionality, or a bank of area control buttons that control multiple zones of lighting in a space. This video discusses specific requirements for indoor manual area controls including where and when they are needed, and the forms needed to document compliance with the 2019 Energy Code.


Multi-level lighting controls provide building occupants with the ability to use all of the light, some of the light, or none of the light in an area. This video discusses specific requirements for indoor multi-level lighting controls including where and when they are needed, and the forms needed to document compliance with the 2019 Energy Code.


Automatic shut-OFF controls turn off or reduce light output when a space is vacant. This video discusses time-switch lighting controls, occupancy and vacancy sensing controls, the mandatory and prescriptive requirements for these types of controls, and the forms needed to document compliance with the 2019 Energy Code.

Outdoor lighting controls are required for many types of nonresidential, outdoor lighting and illuminated signage systems under the 2019 Energy Code. These controls requirements apply to both new construction, addition and alterations projects. This video discusses specific requirements for outdoor lighting controls and signage requirements including where and when they are needed, and the forms needed to document compliance with the 2019 Energy Code.


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Best Practices