High-Efficacy Residential Lighting Guide

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Cover of the High-Efficacy Residential Lighting Guide - Now Available for Download (Interior of a residential kitchen)

CLTC developed the High-Efficacy Residential Lighting guide to provide information about lighting products and key lighting principles and best practice recommendations. The guide is designed to help builders and lighting industry professionals working on zero-net energy (ZNE) and sustainable residential projects.

Lighting designs consisting of high-efficacy luminaires and lamps currently exceed California's energy code requirements. Such designs are increasingly attractive to home buyers as demand grows for energy-efficient smart homes and ZNE residences.

California's Title 24, Part 6 standards require lighting controls in many residential spaces, including that some or all luminaires installed in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility spaces meet the criteria for high-efficacy lighting. High-efficacy luminaires must be designed to operate with energy-efficient light sources. Lamps and luminaires classified as high efficacy include luminaires using LED light sources exclusively that have been certified by the California Energy Commission, GU-24 sockets rated for CFLs or LED lamps, and others.

The products in the guide are a condensed range of the high-efficacy luminaires currently available. They are not an exhaustive representation of the rapidly evolving global lighting market. The sample lighting floor plans were created using best practices that CLTC identified to achieve cost-effective all high-efficacy lighting designs. The guide supplements CLTC's 2013 Title 24, Part 6 Residential Lighting Guide.

Publication Date

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Best Practices