IES LD+A Research Matters: California's 'Million LED Challenge' Sets an Ambitious Goal

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Million LED Challenge (Person with hands wrapped around a hanging lightbulb)

This year, California demonstrated leadership as the first state in the country to set appliance efficiency regulations for general service lamps that ensure both lighting quality and efficiency.  To build on this leadership and accelerate the adoption of the high-quality, energy efficient LED lamps, in July 2018 the University of California launched a new procurement program known as The Million LED Challenge.  The program supports the UC Office of the President’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative, which commits the UC to emitting net zero greenhouse gases from its buildings and vehicle fleet by 2025.  The Million LED Challenge will serve as a model program for future UCOP procurement efforts.

To broaden the program’s reach, and in response to California Assembly Bill 653 2015, the UC collaborated with the California Community College system, the California State University system and the California Department of General Services to make the LED lamps available to facility teams, staff, students, faculty, alumni and retirees of each participating entity.

Learn more about the Million LED Challenge in the November 2018 LD+A Research column.

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