The California Lighting Technology Center’s Nonresidential Lighting and Electrical Power Distribution Guide assists builders and lighting industry professionals in navigating the nonresidential lighting and electrical power distribution portions of California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Part 6 or Energy Code). The 2022 iteration of the Energy Code took effect on January 1, 2023.
This guide includes an explanation of the requirements for nonresidential lighting and electrical power distribution, as well as detailing best-practice recommendations with examples. The new guide also includes information on current lighting technologies, energy-efficient lighting strategies and lighting design principles.
The Nonresidential Lighting and Electrical Power Distribution Guide was developed by the California Lighting Technology Center at UC Davis, in collaboration with the California Energy Commission. It complements the California Energy Commission's Nonresidential Compliance Manual as well as energy education classes on nonresidential lighting offered through Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison.
Prefer a print copy? Order the guide here.