In June 2017, the President issued Executive Order 13801 on Expanding Apprenticeship in America, which establishes an expansive vision for increasing the number of apprentices in the nation to an unprecedented level across all industries. The overarching goals of this Apprenticeship: Closing the Skills Gap grant program are threefold:
- Accelerate the expansion of apprenticeships to new industry sectors and occupations, such as cyber security and those involving artificial intelligence;
- Promote the large-scale expansion of apprenticeships across the nation to a range of employers, including small- and medium-sized employers; and
- Increase apprenticeship opportunities for all Americans.
In February 2020, the US Department of Labor awarded $5M+ to CLTC and our training partners to support the expansion of electrical training programs across California and Nevada. This four-year funding will be used to develop a Smart Cities apprenticeship tract that includes advanced electrical training on:
- Cyber-secure building wiring and switching techniques
- Automated demand management and demand response
- Building automation and networking infrastructure
CLTC warmly acknowledges all of our training partners who make this project possible:
- California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- National Electrical Contractors Association
- Electrical Workers Apprenticeship Committee of San Luis Obispo
- San Mateo County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
- Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee of Southern Nevada
- Ventura County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Program
- San Joaquin and Calaveras Counties Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee
- Fresno, Madera, Kings, and Tulare Counties of California Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
- San Diego and Imperial Counties Electrical Training Institute
- San Francisco Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
- Kern County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee
- Southern Sierras Chapter of the IBEW and NECA
- Los Angeles County Electrical Educational and Training Trust Fund, dba Electrical Training Institute
- Northern Nevada Electric Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
- The Alameda County Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Trade
- Orange County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust
- Santa Barbara County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
- Sacramento Electrical Workers Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee
- Santa Clara County Electrical Joint Training Apprenticeship and Training Committee
- Redwood Empire Electrical Training Trust
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 40
- Tricounties Electrical Training Trust
- ICF International, Inc.
- The Bit Bazaar LLC